Error code: storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs
Error code: storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs
Stack trace:
- line 99 of /lib/filestorage/file_system_filedir.php: file_exception thrown
- line 80 of /lib/filestorage/file_storage.php: call to file_system_filedir->__construct()
- line 61 of /lib/filestorage/file_storage.php: call to file_storage->setup_file_system()
- line 6677 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to file_storage->__construct()
- line 252 of /course/classes/list_element.php: call to get_file_storage()
- line 1206 of /course/renderer.php: call to core_course_list_element->get_course_overviewfiles()
- line 1282 of /course/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_overview_files()
- line 1146 of /course/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->coursecat_coursebox_content()
- line 90 of /course/renderer.php: call to core_course_renderer->coursecat_coursebox()
- line 72 of /course/info.php: call to core_course_renderer->course_info_box()